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Audit Log Plugin

Percona Audit Log Plugin provides monitoring and logging of connection and query activity that were performed on specific server. Information about the activity will be stored in the XML log file where each event will have its NAME field, its own unique RECORD_ID field and a TIMESTAMP field.

Audit logging documents the database usage. You can use the log for troubleshooting.


Audit Log plugin is installed with Percona Server for MySQL, but is not enabled by default. You can verify if the plugin is enabled by running the following commands:

mysql> SELECT * FROM information_schema.PLUGINS WHERE PLUGIN_NAME LIKE '%audit%';

The output should be similar to the following;

Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SHOW variables LIKE 'audit%';

The output should be similar to the following;

Empty set (0.01 sec)
mysql> SHOW variables LIKE 'plugin%';

The output should be similar to the following;

| Variable_name | Value                  |
| plugin_dir    | /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


The location of the MySQL plugin directory depends on the operating system and may be different.

The following command enables the plugin:

mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME '';

Run the following command to verify if the plugin was installed correctly:

mysql> SELECT * FROM information_schema.PLUGINS WHERE PLUGIN_NAME LIKE '%audit%'\G

The output should be similar to the following;

*************************** 1. row ***************************
          PLUGIN_NAME: audit_log
        PLUGIN_VERSION: 0.2
        PLUGIN_AUTHOR: Percona LLC and/or its affiliates.
          LOAD_OPTION: ON
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You can review the audit log variables with the following command:

mysql> SHOW variables LIKE 'audit%';

The output should be similar to the following;

| Variable_name               | Value         |
| audit_log_buffer_size       | 1048576       |
| audit_log_exclude_accounts  |               |
| audit_log_exclude_commands  |               |
| audit_log_exclude_databases |               |
| audit_log_file              | audit.log     |
| audit_log_flush             | OFF           |
| audit_log_format            | OLD           |
| audit_log_handler           | FILE          |
| audit_log_include_accounts  |               |
| audit_log_include_commands  |               |
| audit_log_include_databases |               |
| audit_log_policy            | ALL           |
| audit_log_rotate_on_size    | 0             |
| audit_log_rotations         | 0             |
| audit_log_strategy          | ASYNCHRONOUS  |
| audit_log_syslog_facility   | LOG_USER      |
| audit_log_syslog_ident      | percona-audit |
| audit_log_syslog_priority   | LOG_INFO      |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Audit Log plugin produces the log of following events:

  • Audit - Audit event indicates that audit logging started or finished. NAME field will be Audit when logging started and NoAudit when logging finished. Audit record also includes server version and command-line arguments.

Example of the Audit event:

  TIMESTAMP="2021-06-30T11:56:53 UTC"
  STARTUP_OPTIONS="--daemonize --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/"
  • Connect/Disconnect - Connect record event will have NAME field Connect when user logged in or login failed, or Quit when connection is closed.

Additional fields for this event are the following:



  • USER




  • HOST

  • IP

The value for STATUS is 0 for successful logins and non-zero for failed logins.

Example of the Disconnect event:

  • Query - Additional fields for this event are: COMMAND_CLASS (values come from the com_status_vars array in the sql/\`` file in a MySQL source distribution. Examples areselect,alter_table,create_table, etc.),CONNECTION_ID,STATUS(indicates error when non-zero),SQLTEXT(text of SQL-statement),USER,HOST,OS_USER,IP. Possible values for theNAMEname field for this event areQuery,Prepare,Execute,Change user`, etc..


The statement/sql/% populates the audit log command_class field, for example, the SELECT name FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE name LIKE "statement/sql/%" query.

The %statement/com% entry populates the audit log command_class field as lowercase text, for example, the SELECT name FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE name LIKE '%statement/com%' query. If you run a ‘Ping’ command, then the command_class field is ‘ping’, and for ‘Init DB’, the command_class field is ‘init db’.

Example of the Query event:

  SQLTEXT="show variables like 'audit%'"
  USER="root[root] @ localhost []"

Log Format

The audit log plugin supports the following log formats: OLD, NEW, JSON, and CSV. The OLD\`format and the``NEWformat are based on XML. TheOLDformat defines each log record with XML attributes. TheNEW` format defines each log record with XML tags. The information logged is the same for all four formats. The audit_log_format variable controls the log format choice.

An example of the OLD format:

  TIMESTAMP="2021-06-30T11:57:14 UTC"
  SQLTEXT="select * from information_schema.PLUGINS where PLUGIN_NAME like '%audit%'"
  USER="root[root] @ localhost []"

An example of the NEW format:

  <TIMESTAMP>2021-06-30T16:08:06 UTC</TIMESTAMP>
  <SQLTEXT>select id, holder from one</SQLTEXT>
  <USER>root[root] @ localhost []</USER>

An example of the JSON format:

{"audit_record":{"name":"Query","record":"13149_2021-06-30T15:03:11","timestamp":"2021-06-30T15:07:58 UTC","command_class":"show_databases","connection_id":"2","status":0,"sqltext":"show databases","user":"root[root] @ localhost []","host":"localhost","os_user":"","ip":"","db":""}}

An example of the CSV format:

"Query","22567_2021-06-30T16:10:09","2021-06-30T16:19:00 UTC","select","2",0,"select count(*) from one","root[root] @ localhost []","localhost","","",""

Streaming the audit log to syslog

To stream the audit log to syslog you’ll need to set audit_log_handler variable to SYSLOG. To control the syslog file handler, the following variables can be used: audit_log_syslog_ident, audit_log_syslog_facility, and audit_log_syslog_priority These variables have the same meaning as appropriate parameters described in the syslog(3) manual.


The actions for the variables: audit_log_strategy, audit_log_buffer_size, audit_log_rotate_on_size, audit_log_rotations are captured only with FILE handler.

Filtering by user

In Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7 Percona Server for MySQL has implemented filtering by user. This was implemented by adding two new global variables: audit_log_include_accounts and audit_log_exclude_accounts to specify which user accounts should be included or excluded from audit logging.


Only one of these variables can contain a list of users to be either included or excluded, while the other needs to be NULL. If one of the variables is set to be not NULL (contains a list of users), the attempt to set another one will fail. Empty string means an empty list.


Changes of audit_log_include_accounts and audit_log_exclude_accounts do not apply to existing server connections.


Following example shows adding users who will be monitored:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_accounts = 'user1@localhost,root@localhost';
The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

If you you try to add users to both include and exclude lists server will show you the following error:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_accounts = 'user1@localhost,root@localhost';

The output should be similar to the following;

ERROR 1231 (42000): Variable 'audit_log_exclude_accounts' can't be set to the value of 'user1@localhost,root@localhost'

To switch from filtering by included user list to the excluded one or back, first set the currently active filtering variable to NULL:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_accounts = NULL;

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_accounts = 'user1@localhost,root@localhost';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_accounts = "'user'@'host'";

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_accounts = '''user''@''host''';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_accounts = '\'user\'@\'host\'';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

To see what users are currently in the on the list you can run:

mysql> SELECT @@audit_log_exclude_accounts;

The output should be similar to the following;

| @@audit_log_exclude_accounts |
| 'user'@'host'                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Account names from mysql.user table are the one that are logged in the audit log. For example when you create a user:

mysql> CREATE USER 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '111';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

This is what you’ll see when user1 connected from localhost:

  TIMESTAMP="2021-06-30T11:56:53 UTC"
  USER="user1" ;; this is a 'user' part of account in 5.7
  HOST="localhost" ;; this is a 'host' part of account in 5.7

To exclude user1 from logging in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 you must set:

SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_accounts = 'user1@%';

The value can be NULL or comma separated list of accounts in form user@host or 'user'@'host' (if user or host contains comma).

Filtering by SQL command type

In Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7 Percona Server for MySQL has implemented filtering by SQL command type. This was implemented by adding two new global variables: audit_log_include_commands and audit_log_exclude_commands to specify which command types should be included or excluded from audit logging.


Only one of these variables can contain a list of command types to be either included or excluded, while the other needs to be NULL. If one of the variables is set to be not NULL (contains a list of command types), the attempt to set another one will fail. Empty string means an empty list.


If both audit_log_exclude_commands and audit_log_include_commands are NULL all commands will be logged.


The available command types can be listed by running:

mysql> SELECT name FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments WHERE name LIKE "statement/sql/%" ORDER BY name;

The output should be similar to the following;

| name                                     |
| statement/sql/alter_db                   |
| statement/sql/alter_db_upgrade           |
| statement/sql/alter_event                |
| statement/sql/alter_function             |
| statement/sql/alter_procedure            |
| statement/sql/alter_server               |
| statement/sql/alter_table                |
| statement/sql/alter_tablespace           |
| statement/sql/alter_user                 |
| statement/sql/analyze                    |
| statement/sql/assign_to_keycache         |
| statement/sql/begin                      |
| statement/sql/binlog                     |
| statement/sql/call_procedure             |
| statement/sql/change_db                  |
| statement/sql/change_master              |
| statement/sql/xa_rollback                |
| statement/sql/xa_start                   |
145 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can add commands to the include filter by running:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_commands= 'set_option,create_db';

When you create a database with the following command:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE sample;

The action is captured in the audit log:

  <TIMESTAMP>2021-06-30T17:45:16 UTC</TIMESTAMP>
  <USER>root[root] @ localhost []</USER>

To switch command type filtering type from included type list to excluded one or back, first reset the currently-active list to NULL:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_commands = NULL;

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_commands= 'set_option,create_db';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Invocation of stored procedures have command type call_procedure, and all the statements executed within the procedure have the same type call_procedure as well.

Filtering by database

In Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7 Percona Server for MySQL has implemented filtering by SQL database. This was implemented by adding two new global variables: audit_log_include_databases and audit_log_exclude_databases to specify which databases should be included or excluded from audit logging.


Only one of these variables can contain a list of databases to be either included or excluded, while the other needs to be NULL. If one of the variables is set to be not NULL (contains a list of databases), the attempt to set another one will fail. Empty string means an empty list.

If query is accessing any of databases listed in audit_log_include_databases, the query will be logged. If query is accessing only databases listed in audit_log_exclude_databases, the query will not be logged. CREATE TABLE statements are logged unconditionally.


Changes of audit_log_include_databases and audit_log_exclude_databases do not apply to existing server connections.


To add databases to be monitored you should run:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_databases = 'test,mysql,db1';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_databases= 'db1,db3';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

If you you try to add databases to both include and exclude lists server will show you the following error:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_databases = 'test,mysql,db1';

The output should be similar to the following;

ERROR 1231 (42000): Variable 'audit_log_exclude_databases can't be set to the value of 'test,mysql,db1'

To switch from filtering by included database list to the excluded one or back, first set the currently active filtering variable to NULL:

mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_include_databases = NULL;

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL audit_log_exclude_databases = 'test,mysql,db1';

The output should be similar to the following;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

System Variables


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String

This variable is used to specify the audit log strategy, possible values are:

  • ASYNCHRONOUS - (default) log using memory buffer, do not drop messages if buffer is full

  • PERFORMANCE - log using memory buffer, drop messages if buffer is full

  • SEMISYNCHRONOUS - log directly to file, do not flush and sync every event

  • SYNCHRONOUS - log directly to file, flush and sync every event

This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to FILE.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default audit.log

This variable is used to specify the filename that’s going to store the audit log. It can contain the path relative to the datadir or absolute path.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String
Default OFF

When this variable is set to ON log file will be closed and reopened. This can be used for manual log rotation.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type Numeric
Default 1 Mb

This variable can be used to specify the size of memory buffer used for logging, used when audit_log_strategy variable is set to ASYNCHRONOUS or PERFORMANCE values. This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to FILE.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7. This variable is used to specify the list of users for which Filtering by user is applied. The value can be NULL or comma separated list of accounts in form user@host or 'user'@'host' (if user or host contains comma). If this variable is set, then audit_log_include_accounts must be unset, and vice versa.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7. This variable is used to specify the list of commands for which Filtering by SQL command type is applied. The value can be NULL or comma separated list of commands. If this variable is set, then audit_log_include_commands must be unset, and vice versa.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7. This variable is used to specify the list of commands for which Filtering by database is applied. The value can be NULL or comma separated list of commands. If this variable is set, then audit_log_include_databases must be unset, and vice versa.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default OLD
Allowed values OLD, NEW, CSV, JSON

Implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7. This variable is used to specify the list of users for which Filtering by user is applied. The value can be NULL or comma separated list of accounts in form user@host or 'user'@'host' (if user or host contains comma). If this variable is set, then audit_log_exclude_accounts must be unset, and vice versa.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7. This variable is used to specify the list of commands for which Filtering by SQL command type is applied. The value can be NULL or comma separated list of commands. If this variable is set, then audit_log_exclude_commands must be unset, and vice versa.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String

The variable has been implemented in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7. This variable is used to specify the list of commands for which Filtering by database is applied. The value can be NULL or comma separated list of commands. If this variable is set, then audit_log_exclude_databases must be unset, and vice versa.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Data type String
Default ALL

This variable is used to specify which events should be logged. Possible values are:

  • ALL - all events will be logged

  • LOGINS - only logins will be logged

  • QUERIES - only queries will be logged

  • NONE - no events will be logged


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type Numeric
Default 0 (don’t rotate the log file)

This variable is measured in bytes and specifies the maximum size of the audit log file. Upon reaching this size, the audit log will be rotated. The rotated log files are present in the same directory as the current log file. The sequence number is appended to the log file name upon rotation. For this variable to take effect, set the audit_log_handler variable to FILE and the audit_log_rotations variable to a value greater than zero.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type Numeric
Default 0

This variable is used to specify how many log files should be kept when audit_log_rotate_on_size variable is set to non-zero value. This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to FILE.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default FILE
Allowed values FILE, SYSLOG

This variable is used to configure where the audit log will be written. If it is set to FILE, the log will be written into a file specified by audit_log_file variable. If it is set to SYSLOG, the audit log will be written to syslog.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default percona-audit

This variable is used to specify the ident value for syslog. This variable has the same meaning as the appropriate parameter described in the syslog(3) manual.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default LOG_USER

This variable is used to specify the facility value for syslog. This variable has the same meaning as the appropriate parameter described in the syslog(3) manual.


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default LOG_INFO

This variable is used to specify the priority value for syslog. This variable has the same meaning as the appropriate parameter described in the syslog(3) manual.

Status Variables


Option Description
Scope Global
Data type Numeric

The number of times an audit log entry was either dropped or written directly to the file due to its size being bigger than audit_log_buffer_size variable.

Version Specific Information

  • Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.10-1 Feature ported from Percona Server for MySQL 5.6

  • Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.14-7 Percona Server for MySQL Audit Log Plugin now supports filtering by user, sql_command, and databases.

  • Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.26-29 Audit_log_buffer_size_overflow variable implemented

Last update: 2025-02-03