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Install MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona releases

This document provides guidelines on installing Percona Server packages for MySQL from Percona repositories. For more information, see MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona.

Version 5.7.44-53 contains fixes as part of the MySQL 5.7 post-EOL support from Percona, available to paying customers.

Community members can build this release from the source from publicly available source code, which will be released on a quarterly basis.

For instructions for binary tarballs, see Install MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona release from a binary tarball.


  1. Request access to the MySQL 5.7 Post-EOL Support from Percona repository from Percona Support to receive the client ID and the access token needed to download the packages.

  2. Configure the repository and install Percona Server for MySQL packages

    1. Download the Percona gpg key:

      $ wget
    2. Add the Percona gpg key to trusted.gpg.d directory:

      $ sudo cp percona-keyring.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
    3. Create the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/post-eol.list configuration file with the following contents with your [CLIENTID] and [TOKEN].

      To get the OPERATING_SYSTEM value, run lsb_release -sc.

      deb[CLIENTID]-[TOKEN]/ps-57-eol/apt/ OPERATING_SYSTEM main
    4. Update the local cache

      $ sudo apt update
    5. Install Percona Server for MySQL packages

      $ sudo apt install -y percona-server-server-5.7

      Install other required packages.

    1. Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/post-eol.repo configuration file with the following contents with your [CLIENTID] and [TOKEN].

      gpgkey =
    2. Install Percona Server for MySQL packages

      $ sudo yum install -y percona-server-server-5.7

Last update: 2025-02-03